you’re like penny wise and pound foolish
only you’re foolish with the pennies as well
so, I walked around the Island today. That’s what the locals call it, they call it the Island, the state preservation department calls it something different. Anyway, I walk around the Island but to get to the Island I walk around this walkway that surrounds a small bay. The bay is completely surrounded with walkway. The whole trip is... I don’t know how far but it’s a trip probably over a mile and a half. And, on this Island is a public restroom which made me think of a story from my youth.
Here’s the story.
I was probably eight and one friend is telling a story of how he and this other kid climbed on top of the public restroom and where looking down the skylight on the women’s side of the small building. Why they built this thing with skylights – I don’t know but there where at least two large skylights on either side, they are no longer there today. He said “And you could see everything!”
First I didn’t believe him because from below the skylights looked pretty well frosted. Another thing is that the restroom building is down the hill from an upper walkway and if anyone saw someone on the roof, they would tell somebody something. And lastly, at eight, I was no peeping tom expert but I thought the angle of view would be all wrong for seeing everything for the nature of the building. At eight I'n not even certain I knew what everything was but I knew where everything was located. But I didn’t say anything but the other friend I was with did say something.
“Tits?” is how the other friend phrased his question.
“What?” the first friend asked.
“You said you could see everything. Could you see tits?”
“Well then, that’s not everything. Is it?”
And that is one reason I try to tell my stories in the style of believable
cause I don’t want to be asked “tits?”
No Mames
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3 weeks ago
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