She slowly blinked as she slowly turned back around to face me. I think "Slow equals sexy," very rarely does a sexy woman move quickly. She hadn't stopped talking to me but something had caught her attention on the other side of the window, so she turned to look and then looked back all before her sentence ended. She was nursing a Gin & Ginger. I had my usually Bud Light in front of me.
Her slow blink reminded me of how she'll sometimes close her eyes while brushing her teeth. I always wonder what she's thinking when she does that; it always seems to be something pleasant, something far away but yet right there, right behind her eyelids. I always want to ask her what it is that is meandering through her mind but I never do. I don't know if I'm supposed to know if she closes her eyes or not, I worry if I ask, then she might stop closing her eyes. I worry her pleasant thoughts might stop or at least go unseen. I smiled as I thought about how much I love her.
"What?" she asked. I had forgotten she was looking at me.
"What what?"
"What's with the smile?"
"I smiled?"
"Yeah, just now."
And then we said nothing because I worried if I told her, than her pleasant thoughts might stop or at least go unseen.
No Mames
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5 weeks ago
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