Friday, December 10, 2004

long or longer

So here’s the deal. I was at the company holiday party after work. The party started at 5:30PM, I’m off work at 4PM so for that hour and a half I went to a nearby place and had a couple. Well, I think I had a couple a couple of times but I can’t actually remember the precise amount. After three I seem to stop counting.

I made it to the party at 5:40PM someone brought me a beer, unknown to us it was open bar so when the beer was gone I said something like “screw this beer stuff, I’m having a whiskey sour” and I did.

After the cocktail and some of the buffet, I left and went back to that first nearby place where friends were to be waiting.

I was given a shot of something I didn’t know what it was followed by a beer and then another shot of something I didn’t know what it was then I had more beer and another shot of something I didn’t know what it was.

My boss who was pretty much matching my pace sang karaoke.

Sometime during the night I got a call from the second job which I let go to voice mail. It turns out somebody needs something for tomorrow so here I am at the second job posting this nonsense and seeing how long it will take me to do what needs to be done. It should take no more fifteen minutes but I think I’ll be here longer than that.

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