abridged, boiled down, breviloquent, brief, compact, compendiary, compendious, compressed, condensed, curt, epigrammatic, laconic, pithy, succinct, summary, synoptic, terse
It's all greek to me, none of those words look familiar.
Usually, I will go on and on about things and then erase the first fifteen hundred words. I'll be towards the end and then say f*ck it and try to get to the blunted point of it all, yesterday I did not. And, for that I do apologize.
But here we go again.
Today, while ironing my clothes I kept doing my best Chapelle doing his Rick James, "I'm Rick James, Bitch" something like twenty times, then I added the "Charlie Murphy" and then both together. I found this to be funny, and then I worried that my goofy behavior yesterday had nothing to with some boarder line Bud product but some faulty wiring in my head. And, then I thought maybe I'll start greeting people with the "Charlie Murphy", and then the light bulb went off and I said "holy shit" that's what she was talking about.
My days are late and my dollars are short.
Last night Lady G was on a quest to score a hotel room out in LA for the BET music awards, her playing field was priceline.com. She has this system to get the lowest fare and priceline only gives you three swings for each credit card. She was striking out and needed more cards, so I got the call. It turns out only one of my cards had enough room to play and after three swings I was out. She says oh, well, maybe I won't be going. I tried to feel sorry for her but I wasn't happening. I prefer to have her around, or more aptly, I like her having me around. It's her show, I'm just a supporting character in it. Any way, we both end up online and at like 2AM she sends me an instant message saying she scored a hotel room for four nights and a car for $250. Great, I said followed by so you're going to leave me and the kids? Yes, you should have treated me better was her reply.
So I've been getting to work on time, frequently early, and on the plaza today I run into the former co-op, the one I was emailing yesterday. I greeted her with "what I remember things, so know you don't talk to me?" she does a "what the f*ck" type of thing looking at her watch, feigning surprise to see me this early. She asks what's the deal with you being on time, early no less, what are you upset that after coming in late so many times nobody cares enough to say anything to you? I confirmed that for years I was coming in late and nobody said boo to me but I said I'm supposed to be there on time so I should get here on time, coming in late finally got to me.
We chatted some more, she relived the Thom Kadzook's kiss, which was very entertaining. She told her coworkers and they said to file a lawsuit, I said Thom might enjoy the change, she confirmed he might.
We are tight once again.
She sends my another email:
I forgot to tell you this morning that we got Wrestlemania XX PPV on Sunday. It was like $50. We taped it if you want to borrow it.
Ya, know. I admit I would watch it if it were at the house but I can't bring myself to ask or even confirm that I would want to borrow it. I'm still not comfortable with my fondness for professional wrestling.
But, thank you.
I should be getting my 400 custom imprinted 11.5g clay poker chips in a smart looking aluminium case on Wednesday.
So is this what you do all day? Buy shit online...
And you're not comfortable with your liking of professional wrestling because it is VERY GAY (in the "man-on-man" homosexual way)
Actually, I purchased the poker chips on Evacuation Day.
And my problem with pro wrestling is not the gayness, it the whole foolishness of it all, It's grown men play fighting. I don't mean to diminish the great effort and showmanship but it's grown men playing at fighting and I'm sightly embarrassed to enjoy the show.
What's going on with you lately? Coming to work on time, thinking wrestling is immature... Are you having a midlife crisis? Or are you finally growing up?
If you really want to know..
The following is true and of a private nature. So close you eyes if you don't wish to see.
I do have a web log, and I started to realize I would kick my own ass if I had to sit next to myself on a daily basis, so I have a choice: to be a miserable hypocrite or change.
I'm in the process of struggling to change.
Only because I can't figure out how to kick my own ass without getting my ass kicked, if that makes any sense.
I'll kick you in the ass if you want.
Seriously though, change is always good. Some of the best things I've done
for myself involved radical change. And just remember that life is too
complicated not to be a hypocrite some of the time.
It's good to know you're there for me. Thanks.
That frog, the one from WB, the one that only sings for the burly construction worker, he has a name believe it or not, Michigan J. Frog.
So, regarding me remembering obscure stuff, I'm at this small group meeting and someone is asked "if you were forced to go to a Halloween Party, what costume would you wear?". A different person asks when would you ever be forced to attend a Halloween Party. I said you know in Luxenburg, it is actually required. And then some smart apple says you know I don't believe that but if it were true, you would know it, you know all the obscure things like that.
Yeah, I've been told.
Oh, shit here's another, yesterday too, I minding my own business and two co-workers / poker buddies are utilizing a map, I don't know what the talk is about but I hear "I don't know lets ask the guy that knows everything" and then there is silence, so I turn around and they are both looking at me, so they ask the question, and I reply "how the hell am I supposed to know", but I look it up for them.
So, I'm some pompous-ass-know-it-all, as if you didn't know.
Lady G calls me from LA she there safe but not so sound, she has forgotten her driver's license and she thinks she left her passport on the plane. Without the license she cannot rent a car, being in LA with no car is rough.
Lunch today was at an old familiar, I left earlier than the others but later than I was supposed to. I left chewing gum for all.
No Mames
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a
dinner guest?
2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
3. Before m...
3 weeks ago
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