I've seen charity be uncharitable.
I used to help pass out government cheese which changed the me that was I. I mentioned to someone before that I frequently, don't look people in the eye and it's not because of shyness or rudeness, or that I have something to hide, it's because I sometimes see too much.
I believe the eyes are a mirror/window to the soul and I have seen souls that needed help but I could not or would not do anything in the way of assistance. I've been told you shouldn't worry so much about it, sometimes you have to worry about yourself. Some of you have seen my worries and know I have none that are true, I think I should help when I can and I actually expect the same of you on some level.
The deal with the cheese was you could tell why the folks were there, some were like 'oh, free cheese, yes I'll have some', others were like 'give me my damn cheese' but it was the others that got to me, the ones that were like 'thank you kind sir, I need this cheese for my family'...
I've must have hit on something because I just stopped typing.
moving on...
Anyway, I have the day off thanks to the brave Boston souls who drove the British out of Boston back in the day, caused them to evacuate, it's Evac uation Day, so my county, Suffolk, gets the day off, if you work for the government.
Unfortunately, there was this snow fall thing, which dumped a bit of snow in the Boston area so my sweet, sweet driveway needs to be shoveled, about a hundred and twenty feet worth of driveway, then at least that much of sidewalk.
the snow at floor level,
out the back door
The help has been fussing about with my little mannequin dude. One photo is him doing his rendition of 'Stop in the Name of Love' the other photo, is him doing his Sean Penn impersonation.
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