Sunday, March 28, 2004


This was part of what was in my drafts from Thursday. There were a bunch of things that didn't make it by the delete key. I'm not certain why it all didn't get trashed.

So I talk, that's me. Talking mostly to myself.

Maybe, it's a guilt thing, I'm sure the government cheese story would reveal it but I'm not going to deal with that yet.

I'm told I'm a gem. I disagree silently.

I'm famous for putting myself in a situation where I get to choose between two things, at least one being very good, if not the best, and then taking a pass on it.

There are most likely self esteem issues as well. Self validity is a hobby of mine too, I eat that stuff like candy.

I'll end this here.

I'll go get candy. (edit: Here I was actually talking about actual candy as opposed to figurative candy, but in hindsight, the candy was figurative)

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